Antoine Dupont, the essential of the XV of France


France 3

Article written by

B. Aparis, France 3 Midi-Pyrénées, A. Grenier-Comard – France 3

France Televisions

Rugby player Antoine Dupont will long remember December 10, 2021, the day he was nominated for the best player of the year. The young rugby player from Toulouse stadium is the only Frenchman nominated by World Rugby for this title.

Whether he plays for the colors of Toulouse or XVI of France, the young Antoine Dupont shines on the field with his sharp races and his permanent support for his teammates. At the height of his 25 years, the rugby player is preparing to be elected best player in the world, to the great happiness of his trainer, Laurent Labit. “He is someone who has a great knowledge of the game, and who is not only able to read situations, but to anticipate”, he rejoices.

It was in 2017 that Antoine Dupont realized his childhood dream by joining the Toulouse stadium. “We rarely take a step back to look at what we did and how we got there. It’s more the entourage who say to themselves that it is huge and that we are lucky. But us when we are is inside, we have less of this vision “, testifies the young athlete. The same year, Antoine Dupont joined the France team, thanks to the former coach Guy Noves, who could not see himself missing out on such talent.


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