Antoine Duléry and Mathilde Seigner were in a relationship: rare confidences of the actress

Between 1994 and 1998, Mathilde Seigner and Antoine Duléry, who can be found this Tuesday May 31, 2022 on France 2 in By the tip of the nosehave lived a love story. “We don’t see each other much because he works like crazy“, explained Mathilde Seigner in 2017 about her ex Antoine Duléry. Because if their romantic relationship has come to an end, it has above all been transformed. On France 2, the actress, also known for her past romance with Laurent Gerra, spoke about her story with Antoine Duléry.

In the show Tea or coffee in September 2017, she said: “For me, it’s slices of life. It’s also surprising because love becomes more interesting friendship, sometimes more interesting than a banal love.“A special friendship since Mathilde Seigner even compared it to fraternity.”Friendship becomes very strong, almost brotherly. I have exes, especially Antoine Duléry is a bit like my brother. It becomes a family bond“, declared the sister of Emmanuelle Seigner. And it is therefore with joy, fraternity and humor that the ex couple agreed to rekindle the flame in front of the cameras for the filming of Campsite 1 and 2in 2006 and 2010.

They each rebuilt their lives

If she remained very friendly with Antoine Duléry, Mathilde Seigner nevertheless rebuilt her life. She lives a discreet story with her longtime companion Mathieu Petit with whom she founded a family, Louis is now 14 years old. As for Antoine Durély, he also lives a beautiful romance with his wife Pascale Pouzadoux, actress also. After being seen on the arm of Isabelle Mergault, he met Pascale after her affair with Mathilde Seigner, as he confided to Gala. “She only had three days of filminghe told Paris Match. Me, I was divorced from a stylist [sa première épouse, NDLR.] and came out of a story with Mathilde Seigner. Our love story was built gradually. I had a hard time committing again“, he said. Thanks to humor, he finally managed to seduce the one who then became the mother of his children, Raphaël, born in 1997 and Lucien, born in 2003.

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