Antoine de Maximy in full doubt, this obstacle which could deprive him of filming for a good while

Enjoy the latest issues of I will sleep at your house ! Because Antoine de Maximy faces a new galley … Rest assured right away, the latter does not aim to end his famous show in which he travels around the world to sleep with strangers. However, his “baby”, broadcast on RMC Discovery since 2021, could mark an indefinite break. Or rather, until he received his new passport.

Indeed, without a passport, as with any trip, the famous globetrotter will not be able to leave the borders and discover new countries to shoot a new number. And according to his Instagram publication of this Wednesday, February 1, it is at the level of obtaining his “precious sesame” that he encounters some problems. “I am not serene about my passport renewal…”, he announced in the caption of his post. A publication in which, at the start, he wanted to warn his subscribers on an important point. Especially those who aim to travel and drive abroad.

Antoine de Maximy can drive… but not travel

“Travellers, some countries require an international license to drive on their territory. It is valid for three years. So I had mine renewed”he details before specifying: “I received it a few days ago. For information, I made my request on September 12th. That is 4 months ago”. However, when Antoine de Maximy, who has experienced many galleys in filming, sent his request, the administration spoke to him of a simple two-month deadline. But at present, again according to the words of the globetrotter, the administration is talking about a “variable delay” and even advises “go about it 6 months in advance”.

If Magalie’s companion now has permission to drive anywhere in the world, he still wanted to warn that the waiting time can be long and that it is better to do it well in advance. On the other hand, as far as the passport is concerned, the globetrotter will still have to be patient to go back to filming and unveil a new number of I will sleep at your house.


See also: “Things got tough…”: Big hassle for Antoine de Maximy during the last filming of “I will go to sleep with you”

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