Antoine de Caunes in depression after the stop of the Grand Journal: “I had no taste for anything”

Antoine de Caunes presented The Grand Journal of Canal + from 2013 to 2015, succeeding Michel Denisot. A key figure in the audiovisual landscape, the 67-year-old host experienced a dark period after the shutdown of the Grand Journal. a moment of his life that he chose to evoke in all transparency during his visit to We are live.

Saturday, November 27, 2021, Laurent Ruquier and Léa Salamé once again received many guests on France 2: Antoine de Caunes, but also Clémentine Célarié, who returned to her cancer, Philippe Maneuver, Stéphan Eicher or even the athletes Théo Curin and Malia Metalla.

Come to promote his autobiography Antoine de Caunes Person, released last month by Editions Sonatine, the husband of Daphné Roulier gave himself up on the depression from which he suffered for two, following the stopping of Large Journal. “I had no more taste for anything. I had trouble getting up and yet, I had to continue to function since I had a show, a weekly, to ensure“, first entrusted the host.

Emma de Caunes’ dad went on to explain that this situation was “very strange” for someone working in the audiovisual world since the job of host generally pushes to move forward, whatever. he is coming. Show must go on, whatever happens. But Antoine de Caunes lived a period “between two“.”I was there without being there. It was quite ‘painful’, in quotes because I don’t want to compare it to great pain, but it seemed important to me to tell it “, he continued.

Via his testimony, Antoine de Caunes also aspires to show that depression is something you can get out of it. Today, everything is much better for the ex-star of the Grand Journal. Married for fourteen years to the journalist Daphné Roulier – with whom he had his son Jules (13 years old) – Antoine de Caunes undoubtedly could count on his family to help him out of this “pure depression”, as he qualifies it himself. Daphné Roulier has always been his “spine“, in good times and bad.

This new issue ofWe are live gathered 885,000 viewers, that is to say 15.5% of market share over the four years and more.

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