Antoine Auffret, from osteopathic student to creator of a serious game

How to revolutionize the learning of semiology while having fun? This is the challenge set by Antoine Auffret, osteopath at St Clément des Baleines, and former student of CSO Nanterre.

What is the concept of your game?

“The idea is to create what is called a serious game of revisions on semiology”. For simplicity, a serious game is a subtle blend of teaching, learning and information with playful springs, in the form of a game.

For example, Antoine’s serious game would be composed of 3 types of questions: long questions, short questions, and questions in the form of True / False, relating to review questions on semiology (study of signs / symptoms diseases).

How did you get the idea of ​​creating this serious game?

“I always wanted to study in a fun way, and the idea was born when I was a student in my school of osteopathy, a few years ago. Friends of the class have suggested that I share fun questions in order to offer a kind of simple and fun review sheets. This idea seemed very interesting to me, passionate about semiology, so I got down to creating the first 250 questions! “

How did your school welcome and support when you announced this project?

“My school received the project very well, which delighted me. I was particularly supported by the Director of the school’s health center who encouraged me to complete my project by publishing the game. ”

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What about the progress of your project at the moment?

“I started with 250 questions last year, and today more than 1,200 questions are available for the game, and more are in preparation… I have decided to protect my work through ‘a copyright. “

What are your short and long term projects?

“From a professional point of view, to develop my activity in the practice, of course, because I am an osteopath above all. I am lucky to have particularly pleasant working conditions on the Ile de Ré, and adorable patients!

Regarding the game, I would like to launch an edition in the next 6 months, popularize it with medical schools and any other student community in the health field, because I am convinced that the proposed content is highly educational and helps students to improve their knowledge in semiology. A study was carried out and proved the effectiveness of the method.

In the longer term, I would also like to develop informative content about osteopathy because I like to transmit. “

The entire Oostéo team encourages you to consult Antoine’s social networks to find out more about his daily life as an osteopath on the Île de Ré!

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