“Antoine Armand didn’t last two hours before insulting 11 million voters,” castigates Andréa Kotarac, spokesperson for the RN


Video length: 15 min

New government: “Antoine Armand didn’t last two hours before insulting 11 million voters”, castigates Andréa Kotarac, spokesperson for the RN
New government: “Antoine Armand didn’t last two hours before insulting 11 million voters”, castigates Andréa Kotarac, spokesperson for the RN

The position of the new Minister of Economy, Antoine Armand, not to deal with the National Rally, which he does not count in the “republican arc”, greatly displeases the ranks of the RN. Andréa Kotarac, spokesperson for the far-right party, reacted in the “18h/20h” of Wednesday, September 25.

The formal reprimanding, on Tuesday, of the new Minister of the Economy, Antoine Armand, by Prime Minister Michel Barnier, after the Bercy tenant considered that Marine Le Pen’s party did not belong to the “republican arc”, provoked strong reactions. Political guest of the “18h/20h” on Wednesday, September 25, Andréa Kotarac, spokesperson for the National Rally and regional councilor of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, castigated the minister’s remarks: “Mr. Armand arrives at the Ministry of Economy and he didn’t even last two hours before insulting 11 million voters”he is indignant.

“The National Rally wants to be respected in this National Assembly […] because we are the leading party in France and from now on nothing will be done without us”continues Andréa Kotarac, recalling that the preparation of the 2025 budget cannot be done without the RN. “It’s still pretty strong to have a Ministry of the Economy that closes the door to the first party in France”he still laments.

Watch the full interview in the video above.

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