Antivirals from Merck and Pfizer | Minister Duclos promises something new within a few weeks

(Ottawa) Approval of Antivirals from Merck and Pfizer to fight COVID-19 would only be a matter of weeks. This is what the Federal Minister of Health, Jean-Yves Duclos, suggested at a press conference on Friday.

Mylène Crête

Mylène Crête

“As you know, we have already entered into agreements with Merck and Pfizer for the supply of oral antivirals to Canada,” he said. I will have more to say about Health Canada’s evaluation of these treatments in the coming weeks. ”

To date, almost 80% of the Canadian population of vaccine-eligible age have obtained both doses. Over 8.6 million booster doses have also been administered.

Minister Duclos met with his provincial and territorial counterparts on Thursday to discuss other avenues of solutions to combat the Omicron variant. A discussion between all the prime ministers is scheduled for early next week.

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