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The baccalaureate exams start on Monday 20 March. Supervisors, mobilized against the pension reform, will they miss the call? If the CGT and the CFDT call on the teachers not to interfere with the anticipated tests, this is not the case for all the unions.
Last reviews for this group of high school students from Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine). With the strikes against the pension reform, a last minute question is on the agenda. “On the general conditions of the baccalaureate, we ask ourselves questions”, explains a student, Ulysse de Quelen. The use of 49-3 relaunched union mobilization.
Advance tests in March
“A large part of the education trade union organizations have decided to continue the mobilization, including during the baccalaureate exams”, comments Marion Chopinet, SNES Aix-Marseille academic secretary. Another source of stress, the 2023 baccalaureate begins for the first time in March. Students will take two specialty tests, which count for one third of the final grade and are taken into account for Parcoursup. “It’s too early. We tried to do everything quickly, but we don’t go into the details of each thing“, laments Baya Madani, a final year student.