The Île-aux-Tourtes bridge and Highway 40 should be avoided this weekend, with the Ministry of Transport predicting major road obstructions there. The Papineau-Leblanc bridge and a portion of Highway 19 will also be closed due to ongoing work.
This was confirmed Thursday by the Mobilité Montréal committee, responsible for coordinating major work in the metropolitan region.

From Friday evening to Sunday morning, Highway 40 will be completely closed eastbound, between exit 35 leading to avenue Saint-Charles, in Vaudreuil-Dorion, and the entrance from boulevard des Anciens-Combattants in Senneville. . Motorists will therefore have to take detours upstream via the Highway 30 East ramp, the Highway 20 East ramp or exit 39, towards Boulevard des Anciens-Combattants. However, both westbound lanes of the bridge remain open.
As for the Papineau-Leblanc bridge, which connects Montreal and Laval, it will be completely closed from Friday evening to Monday in the early hours, due to major work. The Pie-IX, Médéric-Martin and Viau bridges are alternative options to consider. Quebec will also close the entrance ramps to Highway 19 South from Highway 440 East and West, as well as the entrances to Saint-Martin, de la Concorde and Lévesque boulevards, again for Highway 19 South.

In Centre-du-Québec, two of the four lanes of the Laviolette bridge linking Trois-Rivières and Bécancour will also be closed from Friday to Monday evening. Mobilité Montréal invites users coming from Montreal or Quebec “to plan their trips accordingly if they wish to go from one side of the St. Lawrence River to the other, via highways 20 or 40.”
In Brossard, more traffic will have to be expected on the ramp leading from Marie-Victorin Boulevard to Highway 10 East, due to the partial closure of one lane out of two for the weekend.
In downtown Montreal, exit 6 of the Ville-Marie highway leading, among other places, to Berri Street and Saint-Laurent Boulevard will be closed all weekend, due to development work on Place des Montréalaises which continue.
In the Sud-Ouest borough, in Montreal, one lane in four of Gaétan-Laberge Boulevard will be partially closed eastbound, at the REM overpass, from Friday to Monday.
In Montreal, it will also be necessary to plan for the complete closure of Atwater Avenue northbound, between Sainte-Catherine Street West and de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, all weekend.
Still on the island, in the town of Mont-Royal sector, Côte-de-Liesse Road will be partially closed between Sunset and Athlone Roads.
The Réseau express métropolitain (REM) service will also be unavailable on Saturday between 5:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m., “due to a systems update,” underlines Mobilité Montréal, which adds that buses will provide service during this period. .
In the West Island, traffic obstructions are expected from Saturday on Highway 40 between Morgan Boulevard in Baie-d’Urfé and Saint-Charles Boulevard in Kirkland, due to reconstruction work. of the eastbound carriageway. To the extent possible, the obstacles “will be combined with those of other construction sites in the sector, in order to reduce their frequency,” adds Mobilité Montréal, adding however that partial and complete evening closures will be necessary.
Road paving work will resume on Highway 13 in Laval, starting Sunday, between the Louis-Bisson bridge and Notre-Dame boulevard.
In Mirabel, the resumption of work to replace lighting systems could complicate traffic on Highway 50 starting Monday, between Route 117 and Rue Louis-Bisson, as well as in the interchange with Highway 15 .