Anti-urban rodeo operation in the Moulins district of Nice

While the question of urban rodeos on motorcycles has been at the heart of the news since this tragedy in Pontoise (Val-d’Oise) where a 7-year-old girl was seriously injured, in Nice too the controls are intensifying as everywhere in France according to the will of the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin.

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The Alpes-Maritimes department very little affected by the phenomenon of urban rodeos

An anti-urban rodeo operation thus took place, this Thursday, August 18, at the end of the day in Nice in the sensitive district of Les Moulins. An operation above all of prevention because in the department the urban rodeos are not very present: “cis a limited phenomenon in our department“explains Commissioner Guillaume Cardy, Deputy Director General for Public Security of the Alpes-Maritimes:” these operations allow us above all to control two-wheelers and to identify other infractions“. Last week, 49 urban rodeo control operations took place in the department and they led to 400 verbalizations.

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