Anti-Semitic acts: what have been the convictions since the Hamas attack?


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Anti-Semitic acts: what have been the convictions since the Hamas attack?

Anti-Semitic acts: what have been the convictions since the Hamas attack? – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – J. Debraux, E. Lagrade, E. Martin, E. Stervinou, T. Guéry, D. Turpin, S. Gravelaine

France Televisions

Since the Hamas attack on October 7, anti-Semitic acts have been recorded in France. The government has promised firm answers. What about it?

In Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), the author of an anti-Semitic tag has been condemned to 18 months in prison. In Gard, the imam of a mosque received 8 months in prison for having relayed a call to kill Jews on social networks. These convictions were handed down a few weeks after the events. This speed was requested by lawyers for victims of anti-Semitic acts. According to the Ministry of Justice, 60 convictions for anti-Semitic acts have been handed down since October 7. This figure is expected to increase further.

A firm response

Numerous investigations are still ongoing. A complainant claims to have been attacked in front of a synagogue. The hearing has just been postponed a second time, causing his incomprehension. “He wanted to gas me. He said to me: ‘I’m going to kill you, you dirty Jew. I don’t know what we’re waiting for. (…) I don’t know what justice is going to do, but I hope we won’t stop there.”, testifies the victim. A new hearing is scheduled for early December. According to a lawyer, these long procedures are nothing unusual. The government has repeatedly promised a firm response.

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