“anti-Qatar” supporters disrupt Bayern Munich general assembly

Bayern Munich honorary president Uli Hoeness said he was upset by the disruption at the club’s general meeting on Thursday 25 November when opponents of an advertising contract with Qatar wanted to make their voices heard. “The worst incident I have ever seen at Bayern. I am ashamed“, he said after the club’s annual meeting, which lasted five hours overnight from Thursday to Friday.

Tensions had risen in recent days between the leaders of the “Rekordmeister” and a group of supporters-members of the club who are asking to give up a sponsorship contract with Qatar Airways.

They believe that the moral values ​​of the club do not allow accepting money from a company belonging to a state accused of human rights violations. The contract, which allows Qatar Airways to display its logo on the sleeve of the shirts, runs until 2023, but opponents are campaigning for it not to be renewed. They are based on reports from NGOs that accuse Qatar of exploiting migrant workers, accusations strongly rejected by the emirate.

Thursday evening, while a group of about 800 members of the general assembly attacked the current club leader Herbert Hainer, shouting “Hainer out!”, the club management has had a motion blocked by the courts that the protesters wanted to put to a vote. The club leaders’ argument is that it is easier to influence a state’s policy through cooperation than through outright withdrawal. “I remain firmly convinced that dialogue is the best way to bring people together“, launched the Munich president in front of the assembly.

He also said that the club had not yet taken a decision on the extension of the contract, Qatar Airways being a “platinum” partner of Bayern, that is to say a sponsor of the second most important after the four partners. of shares that are Allianz, Audi, Adidas and Telekom. In fiscal year 2020-2021, the turnover of the Bavarian giant fell by more than 100 million euros, from 750.4 to 643.9 million. Group profits after tax also plunged from 52.5 million to 1.9 million.

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