Twenty anti-bullfighting demonstrators mobilized this Saturday, August 27 in front of the Bellegarde arena where the Sébastien Castella trophy was taking place, a novillada without picador which should make it possible to reveal the future talents of bullfighting. On placards and T-shirts, the message is clear: “Corrida, shame”, “Basta corrida”. They made their anger heard with megaphones, sirens, music with the idea of covering the noise of the arenas, the noise “shame” in their words.
Led by the CRAC, the French bullfighting association, the demonstrators made the symbolic choice to mobilize during the Sébastien Castella trophy because they are apprentice bullfighters who show up there. It was therefore, according to these anti-bullfights, to show them that bullfighting has no future.
One of the demonstrators, Valérie, believes in it enormously, especially since Aymeric Caron, deputy of France Insoumise, announced at the beginning of August that he wanted to table a bill to ban bullfighting. “I come from Paris, from the riding of Aymeric Caron. When I demonstrate, I have the impression of defending the bill he is going to propose. I have confidence for the future, I have good hope that this will sound the end of bullfighting“, explains this woman.
– Aurora Richard
Christine also has good hope in this future text even if she thinks it will be long. Nevertheless, Legislative progress is possible according to her. “If we could at least get the children out of these bloody spectacles, that would be a first step.“.
Aymeric Caron is disconnected from reality
Hearing about this bill at the microphone of Christine, Damien, an aficionado who goes to the bullring, approaches. For him, this text makes no sense, especially coming from Aymeric Caron. “This deputy lives in the 18th arrondissement of Paris so when does this person know what we are defending, in the breeding of bulls? He is disconnected from reality. He is a man who has never put his two feet in “the shit”“, says the young man.
The left-wing MP wants to be able to present his bill banning bullfighting next November.