Anti-abortion groups: the federal government maintains its commitment

The federal government is sticking to its pledge to no longer grant charitable status to pro-life organizations in its latest election platform, as abortion rights groups are calling for it.

• Read also: Abortion: organizations call for an end to funding for pro-life groups

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Recently, the Journal reported on the dubious practices of pregnancy support groups described as “anti-choice” and also on the federal funding of these groups, which had charitable status.

Pro-choice groups strongly denounce this government support.

To this end, Adrienne Vaupshas, ​​press secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, recalled that abortion was a fundamental right and that commitments were made by the party in the electoral platform. of 2021.

“In the Liberal Party of Canada’s latest platform, we committed to no longer granting charitable status to anti-abortion organizations that provide dishonest counseling to women about their rights and the options that they have. are available to them at all stages of pregnancy,” Ms. Vaupshas informed by email.

However, some organizations have managed to circumvent this government commitment. In one of our reports, the Journal reported that the Pregnancy Crisis Assistance Center received more than $217,000 from the federal government for the year 2021. For its part, Accueil Grossesse Birthright Drummondville received $5,000 for the same year. They received these sums in particular with their status as charities.

The Journal tried to obtain details to this effect, in vain.

Ms Vaupshas added, by email, that the government would have “more to say in due course” about granting charity status to anti-abortion organisations, without giving further details.

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