Anthony Delon revolted, the son of Alain Delon pushes a violent rant on the networks

Since yesterday, images of extreme cruelty have been circulating on the Web. Two individuals in their twenties were filmed torturing a shark on a beach. A behavior condemned by many celebrities. Vincent Cerutti, Laeticia Hallyday, Anthony Delon. Personalities are mobilizing to denounce this animal abuse. On his Instagram account, Alain Delon’s son posted the shock video. In caption: “Look at these two en**** Please share!” Protecting sharks is a priority! This is a black tip shark, harmless to humans and on the red list of protected species. »

“It’s so cruel”

Upset by this sadistic act, Internet users reacted. “I hope they will be recognized through the networks and punished as they should! », « Revolting! How to change mentalities as long as there will be this kind of leftovers on earth”, “It’s really difficult to watch, it’s so cruel! », could we read under the publication.

“The worst of humanity is on full display here, but it’s the world we live in and we MUST change it before it’s too late!” It’s heartbreaking to see that there are people who enjoy watching another living creature suffer and die, but it was a blacktip shark so technically this killing is legal.”, unfortunately clarified the Karmagawa Instagram account. Subsequently, the charity also added: “It’s also absolute madness, because we kill over 70 million sharks a year worldwide, so our global shark population doesn’t stand a chance if this continues… Most people don’t realize that oceans healthy require a healthy shark population. So if sharks continue to be killed at the current absolutely insane rate, our oceans will also die. A very sad observation.


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