It’s no secret. The relationship between Alain and Anthony Delon has never been easy. These links, sometimes difficult, Anthony Delon explained them in Between dog and wolf, the book he published last March with Le Cherche Midi editions. In the pages of this intimate collection, the 57-year-old actor opens up about the conflicts he experienced with the legend of French cinema. Confidences that surprisingly eased the tensions between the two men: “I needed to expel and put things in their place. […] You should know that I gave him the book before it came out. And when he left, he called me and we said very, very nice words“, said Anthony Delon in Gala.
Between them, “a tradition” had settled for some time: “I went to see him every fortnight, Thursdays in Douchy [ville où réside Alain Delon, ndlr]. We were filming. We were talking. We were even joking. No one knows. And that’s when he said to me: ‘Stay still, you’re great, it’s important that we know who you are Tony!’ That, I will never forget.“This rapprochement and this serenity are still a little fragile but much less than in the past:”Nature sometimes comes back at a gallop and he can’t help but regain the upper hand, scratch me. I don’t blame him, the book and what I tell in it led my father to do a lot of work on him too. And I wish him success before he leaves.“
“Angry“, Anthony and Alain Delon are no longer, except for one nuance: “I don’t know what that word means! At least with him…” confesses the actor of polishes. The cinema, precisely, the father of three children now wants to find it: “I stopped acting for four years, I no longer had any desire, it corresponded to a moment in my life. […] The desire is there, again, and it made me happy somewhere, but at this point, I would like a director to offer me a role where I can expose myself, deliver what I have deep inside me and highlight who I am, without filter.“
While waiting for this opportunity, Anthony Delon is working on the documentary The best way to leave on his mother Nathalie Delon, who died of cancer on January 21, 2021 and on the adaptation of his book as a series, an international project entrusted to his friend Dominique Besnehard, for whom he will officiate as a consultant: “I will feed them anecdotes. It will be a fiction series intended for a platform” As for the actors, the mystery remains whole: “I didn’t think about it. The decision is up to them. I don’t want to get involved.”