Anouchka Delon mom: the overwhelming reason why she has to lie to her 2-year-old son

Russia declared war on Ukraine more than a week ago. The streets of the major cities of France were tinged with yellow and blue, in support, on Saturday March 5, 2022 during a march which brought together a total of 41,600 demonstrators – according to the Ministry of Interior. After experiencing a global pandemic, parents around the world are struggling to keep a smile on their face as they try to explain the news to their children…all the more so when they are under the age of three, and have not lived, near or far, only horrors.

On Saturday March 5, 2022, Anouchka Delon shared some photographs of the atrocities currently happening in Ukraine on her Instagram account. “Images like these set the record straightshe confessed. These are not images from elsewhere… but the reality… 3h33 flight from Paris. Our two year old son. So mom, of course, looks at the newspaper. We pass harsh, important images. And inevitably he walks past, and gestures to us, showing the bombs, like, ‘What is that?‘”

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