Since 2004, the Tour de l’Indre des Sports has enlivened the entire first half of the summer for tourists and locals from Berry. Every year this itinerant sports village proposes to discover for free between 15 and 27 sports disciplines at each of the 18 stages around the department.
– Carl Dechâtre
6 of them have already passed but there are a dozen left, starting with the one of the day (07/19), Buzançais.
No less than 15 disciplines are on the menu: team sports; Basketball, Rugby, Football, Handball and individual disciplines; Badminton, Boxing, Fencing, Golf, Judo, Tennis, Table Tennis and Archery without forgetting cycling, as well as innovative games (such as immersive virtual sports with 3D glasses and simulation equipment)
– Carl Dechâtre
Many possibilities of tests are possible the idea being to develop the interest of the future licensees of the clubs of the department. For Yann Mony, director of the Departmental House of Sports, the operation allows you to try to find your favorite sport much more easily. “The Tour de l’Indre has made it possible to have people who have signed up for a federal approach and who have even joined the French team.” Finding your sport therefore but it also happens that the sport finds its practitioners and that thanks to the initiations of the clubs are created: “_Last year, we revived fencing_. We had two associative structures that developed, one in Déols, one in Levroux“.
The operation takes place until August 2 this summer but also with a final date at the start of the school year on September 3 in Châteauroux for a grand finale of all the disciplines presented.
– Carl Dechâtre
The remaining stages of the Tour de l’Indre des Sports 2022 :
Every day from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
- Tuesday, July 19: BuzancaisTete Noire stadium
- Wednesday July 20: Mezieres-en-BrenneBellebouche site
- Thursday July 21: St. Gaultierin the parking lot of the gymnasium
- Friday July 22: Argentonat the Marais stadium
- Monday July 25: Poinconnetin the parking lot of the gymnasium
- Tuesday, July 26: fieryat the Grands-Buissons sports complex
- Wednesday July 27: Issoudunin the Champs-d’Amour park
- Thursday July 28: Sainte-Severe-sur-Indreat the leisure center (and aquatic activities in Pouligny-Notre-Dame)
- Friday July 29: Aigurandeon synthetic pitch
- Monday August 1: Neuvy-Saint-Sepulchreat the football stadium (behind the college)
- Tuesday, August 2: La Chatreat the sports park
- Saturday September 3 => Departmental Sports Plain in Châteauroux (from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.)
The complete program is on the website of the department of Indre.