Another gathering in preparation for Saturday

The organizer of a second rally which has “nothing to do” with the convoy of truck drivers stays the course and still invites the population to a “family and peaceful demonstration” on Saturday in front of the National Assembly.

• Read also: Convoy of truckers: Quebec could be besieged

• Read also: “Freedom Convoy”: Everything you need to know about the protests in Ottawa and Quebec

The promises of the organizers of the convoy to “jam” Quebec and to stay there for several days do not worry Isabelle Villeneuve, who completely dissociates herself from this other initiative.

Even if the presence of the convoy worries the authorities, it is not their intention to “drop” the demonstration.

“I think we have to take advantage of the momentum. But of course, it is sure and certain that if terrible things were to happen, yes I could pull the plug. But at the moment, there is nothing to suggest anything like that, ”she tempers.

“Respectful” demonstration

Isabelle Villeneuve rather plans a “family, peaceful and respectful” demonstration, far from certain excesses that we have seen in Ottawa.

In interview with The newspaper, she repeats that her movement has “nothing to do” with the truckers expected in Upper Town. Nor is there any question of camping on site.

“I don’t lead any convoy, I don’t have a truck and I’m completely out of it. »

Don’t worry about Carnival

On the Facebook page “For the end of the state of health emergency”, nearly 3,800 people indicated their desire to be present on Parliament Hill.

The organizer ensures that she has contacted the police authorities and the City of Quebec to signal her intentions.

Mme Villeneuve also wants to reassure the organization of the Carnaval de Québec.

She does not want her gathering to interfere with the great winter celebration.

“The goal is not to break it all up,” says the young mother, who is vaccinated and does not call herself a “conspirator”.

“The inconsistency of the measures and the lack of transparency means that confidence is no longer there,” she explains.

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