Another corpse found in a garbage can in Montreal

The body of a man was found Friday evening in a garbage can in an affluent neighborhood of Montreal, a macabre discovery that has raised concern among residents of this generally quiet area.

At approximately 7:20 p.m. Friday evening, police attended a residential building on Avenue des Pins in the Golden Square Mile neighborhood after receiving a call about bloodstains seen outside and inside. interior of the building.

While searching the surrounding area, which is at the foot of Mount Royal, officers from the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) discovered the body of a man in a wheelie bin near a convenience store in the avenue du Docteur-Penfield, located 280 m from the building in question.

Photo QMI Agency, Pascal Girard

The body of the man, whose age and identity are still unknown, bore marks of violence, said the SPVM.

Photo QMI Agency, Pascal Girard

No suspects have yet been apprehended in connection with the case.

The police had to go door to door and try to locate surveillance cameras to shed light on this sad discovery.

A strange situation

For residents of the area, it is hard to imagine how a body could have been moved from one street to another without anyone seeing it.

From his balcony overlooking Doctor-Penfield Avenue, near where the body was found, a student saw the police at work around 10 p.m. Friday.

Photo QMI Agency, Pascal Girard

“At the time, it was scary, but afterwards, I never had any problems. There is nothing to worry about, but you still have to be a little more careful, ”said the young man who has lived in this building for four years, who preferred not to identify himself.

Photo QMI Agency, Pascal Girard

This is the first time he has seen such an event in the neighborhood.

A man, who has lived on this same street for almost six months, is for his part worried about the situation.

Not reassuring

“It doesn’t make sense,” he testified, saying he was concerned about the many tragedies reported in recent weeks in Montreal.

“It’s not reassuring,” continued a young woman, who had just seen the news come out in the media.

This is the second body to be hidden in the garbage in Montreal in two months. In August, the body of Richard Lizotte was found in a recycling bin by garbage collectors 300 m from his home, in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve district.

–With Camille Payant

This is the 27th murder committed in the Quebec metropolis since the beginning of 2022.

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