Another caquiste tested positive for COVID-19

Cases of COVID-19 continue to accumulate at the Coalition Avenir Québec, a few days after the announcement by the Prime Minister, François Legault, that he had it.

On Tuesday, Repentigny MP Lise Lavallée announced on Twitter that she had tested positive.

“I will continue to work remotely in accordance with public health guidelines. I will resume my activities next week,” she said.

She is the fourth member of the government caucus to announce that she has COVID-19 in less than a week. At the end of the week, the Minister of Transport, François Bonnardel, and the MP for Bellechasse, Stéphanie Lachance, both received a positive result for their screening tests.

Note that not all of these cases are necessarily related to each other.

For her part, the Minister of Seniors, Marguerite Blais, also took a screening test after feeling symptoms of the disease, but it turned out to be negative on Tuesday. She was therefore able to attend question period at the National Assembly.

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