Anonymous takes a stand and declares “cyber war” on Russia

The Anonymous collective is officially in cyberwar against the Russian government “. This is the message left on the hacker group’s Twitter account this Thursday, February 24, 2022. Shocked by the actions of Vladimir Putin, the collective has decided to launch a computer battle against Russia. Shortly after this declaration of war was posted online, BFM TV reported that a first attack had been launched. The latter was aimed at RT, a Russian-funded news channel. At the same time, she also explained that she was the target of hackers who allegedly ” flooded connection servers to bring them down “, According to information from Ouest-France.

The day after this offensive, the Anonymous Twitter account released new information. The latter would have succeeded in hacking the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. For the moment, impossible to confirm if this attack was a success. The government of Vladimir Putin gave no details on this subject. According to the editorial staff of Sud-Ouest, new computer attacks could very quickly take over. For its part, Presse-Citron would like to point out that it is not impossible for Russia to decide to defend itself. Our colleagues point out that the country of the Russian president is also at the cutting edge of technology. It would thus be able to hack many systems.

In France, Emmanuel Macron has clearly taken a stand on the actions of Vladimir Putin. Despite the tense situation, the French president would still try to keep in touch with his rival. The two leaders would thus have had a “serious and frank” telephone exchange concerning the military operation launched by Russia. The Kremlin notably declared that the Russian head of state ” gave a detailed explanation of the reasons and circumstances of the decision to conduct a special military operation ” in Ukraine.

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