Anny Duperey: This actor much younger than her with whom she was in a relationship

Anny Duperey, who recently celebrated her 75th birthday, is to be found this Sunday on TMC, in the romantic film on the other side of the bed alongside Dany Boon and Sophie Marceau. A film released in 2009, which had come to further expand his career, already very exhaustive between his forties of films, as well as his many books and plays.

This career, she had to manage it in parallel with her love life. In the 90s, his relationship with Cris Campion – who had become known to the general public in the mid-80s thanks to his performance in the film Pirates by Roman Polanski (a performance which had earned him a nomination for the César for Best Male Hope in 1987) – had aroused many reactions. Especially because of their age difference.

19 years apart

Met on the set of the TV movie Charlemagne, the prince on horseback, in 1993, they shared their life together for twelve years, when she was 19 years older than him. At the announcement of their separation, the actress had assured that this difference was not at all the origin or the main cause of this decision. “I’m afraid he hasn’t taken from this relationship the same strength that it has given me.” she had explained to Gala to justify this break.

Before that, she was in a relationship with Bernard Giraudeau, with whom she shared her life for eighteen years and gave birth to her two children: Gaël in 1982 and Sara in 1985. But her relationship with the actor had its limits. She was “halfway between a romantic encounter and a complicity of actors“according to the novelist, who generally considers herself to be someone”impermeable to passion” and a lover “not inflamed”.

The couple therefore did not last, to the dismay of those close to them. “Nobody wanted me to separate from Bernard. When it happens, people take it badly, we pretend not to hear. (…) Everyone pretended that no, I hadn’t left Bernard. I understand because we were a pretty exemplary couple” she explained on the show Chez Jordan. It would seem that since then, the native of Rouen is indeed single.

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