Anny Duperey not “a playful grandmother”, rare secrets about her family

For this return to school 2022, Anny Duperey pushes back the boards since she is to be found in the play My dear children, directed by Jean Marboeuf. A work in which she embodies a mother, widow of her husband, “who does nothing but wait for the visit of her children on Sunday, before suddenly realizing that she is a burden for them” she told the magazine Gala.

A subject that challenged the actress, who recognizes herself a lot in the story of this mother that she embodies. “I would definitely like to leave before I’m a burden” she said, she who is a mom in real life of “Gael and Sara“(fruits of his love with actor Bernard Giraudeau who died in 2010). “I am the substitute grandmother of two of my niece’s daughters, since my poor sister is no longer there. That’s bravely eight: seven granddaughters and a grandsons,” she added. A lovely family then, although she doesn’t consider herself a “playing” grandma.

“Rather uncuddled”

This is “maybe because of my history, I was never a playful little girl” she recalled, before adding: “I think acting, except when it’s at the theatre, is the thing that bores me the most in the world. When we play a board game, for example, I have an intense feeling of wasting my time.“And that, everyone knows it in the family. “My grandchildren know that Many (his nickname, editor’s note) hate to play“, she indicated. “But with me we can paint, garden… We can do lots of stuff like that!“.

This distance, which was marked by a terrible tragedy in his youth, explains it through his personal experience. “I was with my children and I am with my grandchildren like my aunt (who partly raised her, editor’s note) was with me. That is to say, not very cuddly (…) So I talk to them like grown-ups“, she revealed, even though “with the little ones it’s a bit hard“. She also remembers one of her granddaughters who had “the fear“from her” until the age of three. A behavior she also adopted with her own children, explaining afterwards that she sought to be “a light mother”.

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