Subtle general variations

We note a very slight decline in the number of copies sold compared to 2022.
Overall, still driven by the two commercial colossi of children’s books (23.7% market share in 2023) and literature (21.9%), the market has remained afloat, with a slight decline in the number of copies sold (-0.8%), but a small increase in revenue. However, we must recall two important contexts, namely the inflation situation observed in 2023 as well as the strong growth experienced at the end of 2020 and in 2021, setting the bar very high. “In 2022, the achievements of the previous year have been preserved, and this is still the case in 2023. Sales are generally maintained, the market is doing well compared to other cultural sectors which have suffered more,” estimates Patrick Joly, general manager of the French-language securities bank (BTLF), a company that has been analyzing the commercial world of books for 12 years.
The commercial tenors of 2023

Michel Jean led the way in literary sales last year with Qimmik And Kukum.
Without further ado, here are the five titles, all categories and origins combined, which sold the most in Quebec last year, in number of copies: volume 40 of the adventures of Asterix, The white Iris, The 2024 Car Guide, Qimmikby Michel Jean, Nutshimit: a forest bathby Melissa Mollen, and Rose on the islandby Michel Rabagliati.
If we only consider the literature category, Qimmik accedes to the throne, followed by Kevin Lambert (May our joy remain), Weapons of Lightby Ken Follett, Never againby Colleen Hoover, and Kukum, by Michel Jean. Finally, in children’s literature, the best sales were those of Nutshimit: a forest bath, Alert: killer panties! (Elise Gravel), Lucie the farting skunk and the crazy puppy! (Shallow, Vannara), Rap for solo cello (Maryse Pagé) and The gecko that sang too loud (Rachel Bright).
Reinvigorated subcategories

The book Paul in all his statesby the late Paul Houde, was popular with readers in 2023.
If we take a closer look at certain subcategories, we notice that several of them have done well, sometimes making resounding returns. The flagship example remains that of travel guides and stories, whose sales have recovered (+31.4%) after a drop as logical as it was drastic in the months following 2020. “We see that it is regaining momentum », underlines Mr. Joly, with key titles like Bitumen and windby Vincent Vallières, or even Paul in all his states, by the late Paul Houde. Another segment which experienced a peak: sentimental literature (+53.3%!), driven to the heights by Colleen Hoover, Julia Quinn and Danielle Steel. On the other hand, the director of the BTLF does not really have an explanation to shed light on this performance; proof that the heart has its reasons that reason ignores… Finally, biographies (+11.9%) experienced great growth, with 100% natural: secretsby Marthe Laverdière, or Pierre Gervais in overtimeby Mathias Brunet.
Draw me a comic

Asterix found many readers along the way.
Quebecers’ appetite for comic books has not waned last year. As proof, the 2023 champion in all categories of copies sold was the most recent Asterix. “Especially knowing that having been released in October, it rose to first place in just 10 weeks of sales,” explains Patrick Joly. Success does not only smile on the Gauls, but also on die-hard Quebecers, Michel Rabagliati seeing his illustrated book Island rose in fifth place. Overall, comics grew by almost 5%.
Inflation is catching up

The increase in the price of books remained limited compared to general inflation.
Inflation came to play on prices, but the average price still remained limited to $20.71, a slight increase of 38 cents compared to 2022. “It increased less quickly than inflation in recent years, notes Mr. Joly. On the other hand, production costs, such as those of paper or transport, have increased, which brings a downside to the revenues earned by publishers.
A blue flag not always pink
If we look at Quebec publishing in isolation, the picture becomes slightly tarnished, with a tiny drop in revenue (-0.1%). The Gaspard assessment emphasizes that it is the school books which serve as a “lifeline”. ” Without [le scolaire], sales of local publishers would have declined even further. The category even snatches second position from local literature, and this, for the very first time in our reports,” indicates the document. The beautiful upturn in the Quebec novel experienced in 2020 and 2021 (increase in sales beyond 20%) is over, with a decline of -2.9% in 2023, following a disappointing -4.7% in 2022. The category Quebec practical books are also down, with a drop of -17.1%.