Annoying draw for Lorient against PSG (1-1)

The black series ends with eight consecutive defeats for the Merlus. FC Lorient even believed for a long time to win Wednesday night against PSG, almost a year after the feat of January 31, 2021 (3-2). The midfielder Thomas Monconduit had indeed given a deserved advantage to the Bretons just before the break, with a clear strike under the helm of a helpless Keylor Navas.

Always penultimate

But a point blank header from Icardi in the last minutes of the meeting dashed the hope of a good progression in the standings. “If we had been told we would do 1-1, we would have signed. But, given the scenario, we are frustrated“reacts the evening striker.”We can kill the match but we play badly“notes Thomas Monconduit while the FCL, who struck 17 times on goal, only scored five times and missed many situations.

Given the scenario, we are frustrated

We break the spiral of defeats before the holidays. _When we play matches like this, we can’t lower our level afterwards_. We strike 17 times against the best team in the championship. You have to see the glass half full“considers for his part the trainer Christophe Pélissier.

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With this 1-1 draw, Lorient remains 19th in the standings, tied on points with play-off Metz. Frustrating. Especially after the truce, the Merlus will have to deal with a trip to … Lille, undefeated since October 29 (11 matches without defeat).

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