Annoyed by a question from Apolline de Malherbe about her homosexuality, Muriel Robin refuses to answer

If she has never really explained the attacks she suffered, Muriel Robin has never denied them. Guest of the morning show of Apolline de Malherbe this Tuesday, September 12, 2023 to return to her fight against incestuous violence, which she is leading alongside the Secretary of State for Children Charlotte Caubel, the 68-year-old comedian , who recently announced that she had definitively cut ties with her lifelong friend Pierre Palmade, briefly returned to the two sexual assaults that marked her for life.

Initially mentioning a sexual assault suffered in an elevator when she was 12 years old, Muriel Robin subsequently returned to the attempted attack that a priest had made her undergo, and which she had managed to dodge: ”Before that, a priest had stroked my thigh a little”.If today she is unaware of the consequences that these two attacks had on her life as a woman, Muriel Robin nonetheless remains questionable about her sexuality. Openly homosexual, married to Anne Le Nen with whom she has been in a relationship for almost twenty yearsMuriel Robin wonders if her homosexuality is innate or the result of sexual assaults suffered during her childhood.

Also see: Pierre Palmade: a new controversy!

Soon to be shown in a shocking TV movie on incest

”I don’t know what weight it had in my life. I don’t know… It definitely counted. In any case, today, I don’t live with a man yet. I don’t know… I asked myself the question, like that” explained the one that we will soon find on TF1 in a TV film on incest called Les yeux grand verres, in which she will have to make the choice to protect her grandson from the incestuous violence committed by her own child by denouncing the latter to the police, or protect the latter from the authorities by keeping quiet about these actions and sacrificing his grandson.

But during the interview, Apolline de Malherbe was insistent about the sexual orientation of her guest, and sought to know whether, according to her, his homosexuality was innate or acquired. A question that Muriel Robin dodged, quite annoyed by the journalist’s insistence on an intimate question: ”I don’t know and I don’t have the answer. This is not the subject.

On September 26, it is the actress Emmanuelle Béart who will break the taboo of incestuous violence by revealing those that she herself suffered in a shocking documentary broadcast on M6 as a bonus and called A silence so noisy.


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