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Russia has decided to organize votes in the territories it controls. Westerners condemn this initiative and denounce “simulacra of referendums”
For the first day of voting, Friday, September 23, the ballot box goes to the residents of Donetsk. This avoids, according to the authorities, the inhabitants to move, a danger in a zone at war. On the ballot, a question: “Are you for entry into the Russian Federation?” “Of course it’s important. We’ve been wondering for a long time when we’re going to join Russia. Our life will be calmer”, comments a man. All you have to do is tick “yes” or “no”, and slip your ballot into the ballot box. On the fourth day, those who have not yet voted will be able to go to a polling station themselves.
The city is regularly under fire. Russia is seen there as a protector, and a majority of inhabitants say they want to vote in favor of joining. “I think we have no other choice. All of this has to end”, says Louisa Bourenok. The vote is organized in the Donbass as well as in two regions of southern Ukraine, almost entirely controlled by the Russians. “For Russia, it is a question of trying to give a veneer of legality to the annexation of the territories passed under its control, but these referenda have no chance of being recognized by the international community”however, indicates journalist Luc Lacroix, special envoy to Donetsk.