Annexation referendums, a precious weapon for Moscow




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While several annexation referendums are being organized by Russia in four Ukrainian regions under Russian control in the coming days, Luc Lacroix talks about the stakes of this election, live from Donetsk (Ukraine), Friday, September 23.

From Friday September 23 to Tuesday September 27, referendums of annexation by Russia are organized in four Ukrainian regions under the control of Russian forces. “The result of this very special consultation, which is being held in a war zone here, is beyond doubt. It is the “yes” that will prevail. From that moment, the Russians have already said it: they will consider that these four Ukrainian regions are, according to them, now part of their territory.“, explains journalist Luc Lacroix, live from Donetsk.

In fact, militarily, the Russians”already largely control them“, he continues. “They have already started changing them to Russian time. Passports are distributed here, in spades. What will really change is that the Russians will consider that they are fighting on their own territory, at home. This changes two things. On the one hand, according to their doctrine, it allows them in theory to use nuclear weapons. And then it justifies the partial but massive mobilization that Vladimir Putin has just decreed.“, concludes Luc Lacroix.

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