Anne-Sophie Lapix: Who is her husband Arthur Sadoun?

Under all the spotlight because of the media and political news, Anne-Sophie Lapix affirms her place as the most famous journalist and presenter in France during this period of presidential election. Host of the first round evening on April 10, 2022, she once again showed her pugnacity in the face of a multitude of political stakeholders under pressure because of the results. This is how she displayed composure without forgetting her impertinent questions in front of the cameras to lead the debates. Behind the influential woman of the PAF, is a man, her husband for almost twelve years, businessman Arthur Sadoun.

Arthur Sadoun recently made the news due to the announcement of an operation to remove a small cancerous tumor in the neck at the end of March according to Le Figaro Economie. The operation went well, much to the relief of the 50-year-old businessman, his wife and all their relatives. But who is this powerful man?

Son of Roland Sadoun, former director general of the French Institute of Public Opinion (Ifop) and the Institute for Market Research (Etmar), Arthur Sadoun studied at the prestigious Alsatian school in Paris and then at theEuropean Business School in Paris (EBS Paris). In 1992, he founded his advertising agency in Chile, called Z Group, which he sold in 1997 to BBDO. He then completed a Masters in Business Administration at the European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD), at the end of which he was spotted by Jean-Marie Dru, head of the agency TBWA, the third communication agency on the French market. Two years after his arrival, he became general manager then president. The year 2007 marked his entry into Publicis Conseil and ten years later, he can boast of having become Chairman of the Management Board of Publicis. “He was able to modernize Publicis Conseil while ensuring its growth and improving its creative product.“, had confided about him his mentor Maurice Lévy to the magazine Challenges.

She never needed my help

In 2013, Paris Match wrote about them:The tall brunette (1.97 meters) and the pretty blonde, energetic and optimistic, thus manage not to be (too much) talked about, even if her performances can attract virulent criticism. Indeed, lovers do not often appear at social events, only allowing themselves to display their tender complicity in the stands of Roland Garros. An ideal couple for the passionate journalist, mother of two boys born from her previous relationship. However, it has to face attacks, which come up regularly during intense political periods. Indeed, her powerful husband was accused of having boosted her for the news to replace David Pujadas. He then reacted in the columns of the Sunday newspaper : “That’s enough ! The first time I saw my wife was ten years ago: she was interviewing the Prime Minister at 8 p.m. on TF1. She never needed my help, nor an address book. The rest is pure sexism from another age and the lack of professionalism of certain media.

Today persona non grata for the two candidates in the second round debate between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, Anne-Sophie Lapix proves that, regardless of her husband, it is his professionalism that imposes it and makes it powerful. Hoping that this does not prevent him from continuing his passionate work.

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