Anne-Sophie Lapix in Ukraine: the journalist forced to take refuge just before 8 p.m.!

Monday March 14, 2022, Anne-Sophie Lapix assured the 8 p.m. newspaper of France 2 from Ukraine, which has been at war against Russia for twenty days already. The 49-year-old journalist made travel in the most total discretion over the weekend for security reasons. Landed in the city of Lviv, she went to meet the population with her teams in the middle of ruins and between several airstrikes. From the opening of the JT, viewers were also able to realize the dangerousness of this trip.

Anne-Sophie Lapix indeed appeared standing up to take the antenna, at the entrance to Lviv station, still a little stressed by what she had just experienced… “Moments ago, the sirens sounded, and we had to take refuge in one of the underground passages of the stationcorn the alert was lifted just a few minutes ago“, she explained. Anne-Sophie Lapix then continues with the summary of her diary, speaking more quickly than usual and shaking noticeably while holding her cards.

It must be said that the news in Ukraine is more frightening every day. Residents now live in constant fear of another Russian attack; the head of Vladimir Putin has been put on a bounty to end the conflict. The media from all over the world present in the country are also all on the alert, especially since a former collaborator of the New York Times was shot dead on Sunday March 13. The tension, one imagines, is palpable.

Anne-Sophie Lapix however did not balk at the idea of ​​covering the tragic events in Ukraine. She even took advantage of her trip to meet of Andriy Sadovi, the mayor of Lviv, who granted him an interview a few hours before the JT. The latter wanted to be reassuring with the journalist and wanted to thank the teams of France Televisions for having come so far to testify to the situation. “Ihe fact that you are here is a small victory for us: it means that you are not afraid“, did he declare.

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