Anne-Sophie Lapix embarrasses Marine Le Pen with a question about Louis Aliot, her ex-companion

A few weeks after the presidential elections, Anne-Sophie Lapix finds on her set of the 8 p.m. television news the ex-candidate of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen this June 14, 2022. A reunion that one can imagine tense after the comments made by the 53-year-old politician, finding the star of France 2 too hostile to her party and refusing that she lead the debate between the two rounds. The hatchet is buried for the legislative campaign, even if the tension between the two women remains palpable.

If La République en Marche is in a ballot with Nupes in the second round of the legislative elections in certain constituencies, the leader of the National Rally Marine Le Pen does not want to support the opposition formation of the left to counter the presidential majority. However, on the set of the JT of the 2, Anne-Sophie Lapix does not fail to point out to him that one of the members of the RN, Louis Aliot, is not against, in certain cases, to vote for the union of left, especially against former minister Christophe Castaner (LREM). The politician then responds with a somewhat embarrassed smile: “Say Louis Aliot allows himself, exceptionally, a revolutionary vote.” A personality that is important because Louis Aliot is the ex-companion of Marine Le Pen and could apply for the leadership of the RN party if its current leader hands over.

The presenter asks her if she approves of this approach, she replies: “Me I gave my voting instructions, my voting advice because my voters are actually free. I think that, and En Marche, and Nupes, are two movements which will not answer the fundamental problems which are those of the French” The journalist adds in layer: “Attention, then you can accuse him of complicity if Christophe Castaner is eliminated thanks to the Nupes vote.” What Jean-Marie Le Pen’s daughter cuts her off: “It will not be a big loss the non-election of Christophe Castaner.”

On Public Senate, the RN mayor of Perpignan Louis Aliot wished the defeat of the boss of the LREM deputies Christophe Castaner in the 2nd constituency of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, even if it meant voting Nupes and Léo Walter, the RN candidate Aurélie Abeille being eliminated . “There are RN voters (…) who will think twice, who, perhaps, even holding their noses, will vote against Mr. Castaner“, he asserted.

It was from 2009 that Marine Le Pen had as companion Louis Aliot, himself divorced, secretary general of the National Front from October 2005 to May 2010 then vice-president of the party since January 2011. Ten years later, he announced their separation in September 2019. During the municipal elections of 2020, he appeared with his new partner and artist, Véronique Lopez whom he married the following year. The far-right leader has since presented herself as single, living with a friend.

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