Anne-Sophie Lapix and her relationship with Emmanuel Macron: She reveals her great regret

On France 2, Anne-Sophie Lapix is ​​the one who announces, alongside Laurent Delahousse, the results of the first round of the presidential election this Sunday, April 10, 2022. On the cover of the magazine TV 2 weeksshe returned to her work and more specifically to her relationship with outgoing President Emmanuel Macron.

Weird campaign“for the 49-year-old journalist, she has the merit, however, of having refocused, with the war in Ukraine, on essential subjects. Anne-Sophie Lapix does not, however, avoid the “false rhythm” imposed by the late entry of Emmanuel Macron into the game – officially on March 3. For the magazine, she returned to the leader’s non-participation in a televised debate, a decision she understands since none of his predecessors did so, while also accepting the frustration of her political opponents. She also expresses disappointment: “I regret that he didn’t come on France 2 at all, in any of our shows. I interviewed all the candidates, except him, who does not rush into public service. That’s a shame…

Asked about this question of RF1 during a trip to Brittany, Emmanuel Macron, who refused to participate in Elysee 2022replied:I’m not going there because I’ve already done a back-to-back debate. I’ve been on public service many times [France Bleu et France Inter, NDLR], I will go to France 2, I assure you, either before the first round or between the two rounds. But here, I am a little obliged to organize my time.”

The one who is sometimes singled out for not sparing her guests also reacts to the article in the World on his relationship with the Head of State: “According to these ‘off’, it is the entourage of the president, but him, I do not know. I interviewed him twice without feeling any animosity. Our newspaper is ‘critical’ with everyone and will remain so. This is our public service mission. If I’m asked to interview someone, I’m not going to ask them where they’re going on vacation.” Professional and passionate, the wife of businessman Arthur Sadoun is in any case ready for a great historic moment for France with the results of the ballot.

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