Anne Sinclair returns to the “sordid” reasons for her divorce from DSK: “I said stop”

The case went around the world. On May 14, 2011, when he intended to run for president, Dominique Strauss-Kahn was accused of sexual assault, attempted rape, sexual abuse and kidnapping by Nafissatou Diallo, who worked at the hotel Sofitel in Manhattan, New York, as a housekeeper. A few months later, the politician’s wife, Anne Sinclair, made the decision to end their marriage after 22 years of union. However, the despicable stories that circulated about his partner would not be entirely at the origin of the divorce.

Anne Sinclair has simply always been convinced of the innocence of Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Interviewed in a series of podcasts by France Culture, the journalist mentioned several important stages in her life, including that of this highly publicized separation: “I discover a perfectly sordid story which is on the front page of the newspapers, and he is surprised since he had just confided in me when it came out, she says. Of course, it starts a life, it starts relationships, it starts everything. There was a moment when I said stop.”

She does not believe for a single second in the accusations made against her husband

She had already told this story in detail in a book published in 2021, entitled Perfect tense. Anne Sinclair and Dominique Strauss-Kahn met on October 27, 1988 on the set of the show Home Matters. When the Sofitel hotel affair broke out, the Franco-American did not hesitate to come to the defense of her partner with the help of an official press release. “[Elle] does not believe for a single second the accusations made against [son] husband”, could we read. Water has flowed under the bridge since the year 2013, the year of their divorce, and each has rebuilt his life. Dominique Strauss-Kahn married, in October 2017, with Myriam L’Aouffir after five years of living together. As for Anne Sinclair, she is now in a relationship with the historian Pierre Nora.

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