Anne Sila stabbed by her ex-companion: this sweet attention from Florent Pagny, behind the scenes of The Voice

It is an understatement to say that the show The Voice changed the life of‘Anne Sila for the best. Not only did she gain notoriety, but above all she had the opportunity to release three albums, the last of which was released in the fall, just after her victory in The Voice All Stars. A success story in which she would never have believed in 2014.

At that time, 25-year-old Anne Sila was stabbed nearly twenty times by her former companion. A violent attack that his manager at the time had managed to stop in time. The man was then quickly arrested by the police and indicted for attempted murder and aggravated willful violence. “In fact, the person I was in love with took a delirious puff, which is mental illness, and stabbed me.“, said later Anne Sila.

And in 2015, still very traumatized, she still tried her luck at The Voice where her talent did not escape Florent Pagny who recruited her into his team. Between them, a solid bond was then tied. The singer, currently ill with lung cancer, has also had a very nice gesture towards his protege. “I was afraid to go on stage. Florent remained very calm, very attentive. He offered me rosehip oil that he makes with his wife [Azucena], in Argentina. He didn’t say much fair ‘it’s for the scars. I found that very fine on his part. Florent is the one who told me: music doesn’t hurt. Go ahead !“, she fondly remembered for The Parisian.

In September 2021, Anne Sila was sure to be much better today. “I live very happy moments. Life always has its share of beautiful things and moments that are a little less pretty, but it’s sure to get better. I can say that The Voice saved my life. At the time, I was in a somewhat complicated situation, I was coming out of a somewhat traumatic event. I was lucky because I got far on the show and it really kept me alive“, she declared, appeased.

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