Anne Sila as a couple: rare secrets about her companion, “an artist too” (EXCLUDED)

It’s been nine years sinceAnne Sila earned his place in the music business. Coming out of the final The Voice, which she lost to Lilian Renaud, the singer is undoubtedly one of the candidates who has made the most headlines. It must be said that she immediately got to work once her adventure on TF1 was over. She’s been back in stores since last fall with her new and third album. To our hearts. And as for Florent Pagny in The Voice All Stars, she returns today to seek her audience with a tour throughout France. Before going on the road, the pretty 32-year-old brunette however had time to grant an exclusive interview to She tells us about The Voice, of her opus which resembles her, of the doubts she encounters but also of the precious support given to her his companion daily.

After your first participation in The Voice, you released 2 albums, participated in a musical and then… nothing. What happened ?

It was the time of confinement, of the Covid, and then I was very tired. I had done the musical, then I had lent my voice for the film The Lion King, my second album had just been released… We were supposed to go on tour and then finally, everything was turned upside down with the Covid and I took advantage of it a bit to erase myself. I think I had a lot of doubts about what I wanted to do, about the direction I wanted to take. But I am one of the people for whom it was rather beneficial to take this break, it allowed me to ask myself the right questions, to really know what I wanted to do. And that’s how I was able to get back to composing songs, because I wasn’t composing too much at the time.

Do you think the All Stars edition of The Voicewhich you won, helped you find the light?

Yes of course. It’s such a high-profile show that it really connects with the audience. But I really had my doubts about doing this show again, I was very freaked out about putting myself back in danger like that, especially since most of us had careers. But I think we all went there with the idea of ​​just making music, recomposing, and that allowed me to find my audience.

Did you take this competition as revenge after your loss in the Season 4 Finals?

No, the only revenge I took was on myself. I needed to believe it. I tend to be very critical of myself, always have been. It was a bit difficult for me. The only revenge I took was to tell myself: ‘Anne you go, you try, who cares’.

A week after your victory in the All Stars edition, your 3rd album was released, To our hearts. What inspired you for this album?

Just from what I had experienced, from what I wanted to say, it’s a very varied album in terms of styles, languages, directions. And in fact I did not want to put up any barriers. I had started to write this album alone and without a label, telling myself, at worst, if it works, so much the better, if not, so much the worse, but I want to offer what I want. I made a really free album and I had the chance to meet a new label at that time and I’m so grateful for that. I’m glad I made the freedom album. I was preventing myself from doing too many things before and that’s what I wanted to say: I will do things for people who want to listen.

There are many love songs. Are you an incorrigible romantic?

Honestly Yes ! (laughs). Even more with the stories that are not necessarily mine because not everything is autobiographical in my album, there are many songs that I imagine as series or films. But yes, I am a big romantic.

Romantic but still struggling to express their feelings?

Oh yes yes of course. It took me months to tell my boyfriend that I was in love with him. (laughs)

How does he react to your success? What is he doing on his side?

He reacts very well. I’m lucky to be with someone who encourages me and who understands the difficulties of the job, such as not necessarily being there all the time. He supports me a lot. He is not at all in that environment, well he is also an artist, but not in the same environment.

You have often said that you doubt a lot and find it difficult to feel legitimate as a singer. How do you feel today ?

I always have doubts but what takes them away from me is that I work like crazy. I do everything to try to respect myself. You have to trust yourself, that’s the most important thing to take into account.

After all the hardships you’ve been through, what helped you regain your confidence?

Just getting back on the show. I was very, very scared, but doing things that scare me and telling myself that it’s about my life, that I’m my worst enemy… the more I told myself that, the more it made me want to try and test more dangerous things. And as a result, I feel a strength in me that gives me a lot of confidence, it’s more something internal than the idea of ​​appearing on TV or in the newspapers.

What can we wish you for the future?

I’m thinking about things but it’s still very vague, but the goal for me is really to go on tour, concerts, find people, be able to thank them, because I’m here thanks to them.

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