Anne Roumanoff close to a famous journalist: this common past of which they speak little

Anne Roumanoff is one of the guests of the second issue of the new show 100% logic: the answer is right in front of youpresented by Cyril Féraud and broadcast this Saturday, October 1 on France 2.

Sunday, September 25, Anne Roumanoff blew out her 57 candles. She already has behind her, a rich career spanning more than thirty years. And the comedian does not intend to stop there because she is currently on tour for her new show Everything is almost fine.

In the same class at Sciences-Po

But before having the immense career that we know of her, Anne Roumanoff followed an atypical career. In the 1980s, she followed studies at Sciences-Po. She graduated in 1986 in the “political, economic and social” section. The young woman appeared in the same promotion as … David Pujadas! The former star presenter of the JT de France 2, who currently officiates on LCI, graduated from Sciences-Po the same year. However, Anne Roumanoff and David Pujadas could have been sister and brother if we are to believe the words of the first in The Monthly in 2014 : “I had the idea of ​​becoming a journalist, because I love asking people questions, knowing the little details of their lives. Politics is more recent in my career.” Speaking of politics, a politician known to the general public also appeared in the promotion of Anne Roumanoff and David Pujadas, it is Jean-François Copé, former minister of Jacques Chirac.

Red, Anne Roumanoff’s lucky color

In addition to her brilliant career in higher education, another element has enabled Anne Roumanoff to have a successful career: red. A color that she often carried through her hairstyle, her lipstick and also her clothes. The mother of Alice Vaillant (27) explained it in the documentary Roumanoff as is broadcast in May 2011 on France 2: For my first TV, Fabrice’s class, in 1987, I bought a red and white top. After, I was afraid that success would stop if I changed color ! And then, it has become a habit, like a color code… But in my apartment, the decoration is rather orange.

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