Anne Hidalgo’s proposal for a left-wing primary is not unanimous

Socialist presidential candidate Anne Hidalgo called for the organization of a left-wing primary on Wednesday, December 8 on TF1. “This fractured left, which today despairs our fellow citizens, must come together and come together to govern”, she said. A proposal categorically refused by rebels and environmentalists while it seems well received within the PS.

Eric Coquerel: “Anne Hidalgo cannot offer us the losing machine that the PS inaugurated in 2016”

“Anne Hidalgo cannot offer us the losing machine that the PS inaugurated in 2016”, declared on franceinfo Eric Coquerel, deputy La France Insoumise of Seine-Saint-Denis. This primary proposal “is not new” explained Eric Coquerel, who notices that all the candidates have already refused. “The presidential election is not the heads of the gondola, it is programs and projects to govern the country, if there are several candidates, it is because there are several projects, as is the case on the right “, noted the support of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

He fears that this idea of ​​primary will turn to “an interpersonal skills that will not allow you to win.” The deputy considers that the differences “are not thin”, especially on Europe or the ecological question, and he does not think that “it is reducible in a single application”, insisting on the fact that Jean-Luc Mélenchon is the only one to have a detailed program. “But if the Socialist Party wants to support us, there is no problem”, he concluded ironically.

François Hollande: “A union application only makes sense if there is a common program”

“A union application only makes sense if there is a common program”, reacted Wednesday on Franceinfo TV channel 27 François Hollande. This candidacy only makes sense “if all the candidates who withdraw for the personality who could unite them, share the same proposals, the same conceptions”, underlines the former president. According to him, “we know that’s not the case.”

“If this were to be the case, it should have been prepared a very long time ago, it cannot be improvised.”

Francois Hollande

to franceinfo

François Hollande does not believe “that it will be possible to have a single candidacy from all the left”. He also believes that Jean-Luc Mélenchon will not want “get into this process”. For the former socialist president, “It is up to the voters to unite. It is they who will achieve, by their vote, the rally around a candidacy which may, for its part, have the strength to be in the second round and to win the presidential election. “

Arnaud Montebourg: “I am delighted with this proposal from Anne Hidalgo, things are finally moving”

“I am delighted with this proposal from Anne Hidalgo, things are finally moving”, said Arnaud Montebourg on franceinfo TV channel 27. Earlier today, he had written a letter offering his candidacy for a leftist rally.

“We were all in formalin, no voice from the left pierces the sound barrier and in the fury that the far right sets in, we have a confused hubbub, so I rejoice”, he launched with enthusiasm, recognizing that the primary presents “pros and cons.”

“What interests me is to build a common project, to govern is to build, it is not to display slogans or repeat antiphons.”

Arnaud Montebourg

to franceinfo

“Everyone brings their own projects, there may be divergences but there will be convergences”, according to him, highlighting the German example where the coalition contract was “Hardly negotiated with important concessions (…) The time has come to abandon the ‘me, I'”, he launched, denouncing the political peril in which the country finds itself according to him, with “the extreme right at the gates of power.” He hopes this idea will resonate with other candidates on the left, because “a primary between Anne Hidalgo and [lui] would make no sense. “

Mathieu Klein, PS mayor of Nancy: “Anne Hidalgo made a strong proposition of responsibility, that of offering citizens the possibility of choosing”

“Anne Hidalgo made a strong and responsible proposition, that of offering citizens the possibility of choosing through a public debate. It is up to us to put ourselves in a position to win”reacted Mathieu Klein, PS mayor of Nancy. “The voters would not forgive us for not giving us all the means to put the left in a position to pass the first round, to be present in the second round and to win, he continued. There is a very strong expectation. We must find a path of hope and I believe that Anne Hidalgo’s proposal allows it. “

“Beware of excess arrogance”, warns Mathieu Klein after the statement of Eric Coquerel who estimated on franceinfo that“Anne Hidalgo cannot offer us the losing machine that the PS inaugurated in 2016.”

David Cormand: “This proposal seems inspired by despair rather than by a dynamic”

David Cormand, environmentalist MEP, co-chair of the delegation of environmentalists to European parliaments, is “doubtful” by the proposal of Anne Hidalgo, who “Seems inspired by desperation rather than momentum. I’m a little flabbergasted. Anne Hidalgo, whose campaign struggles to exist, is relying on what looks more like a tactical move than anything else.”

“This is not a good method. We are in a moment of great confusion. This somewhat improvised announcement is also the expression of the inability to bring an alternative to the rights.”

David Cormand, ecologist MEP

to franceinfo

“It has not escaped anyone’s notice that what was called the left is weak in this country, he continued. She is weak because she has disappointed, because she has sometimes betrayed and she no longer offers positive prospects. It is time to raise the flag of the alternative, of humanism, of progressive values ​​and it is up to environmentalists to raise that flag. This is the goal we set for ourselves. “

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