Anne Hidalgo weakened by the victory of Christiane Taubira in the Popular Primary

What future for Anne Hidalgo’s candidacy? The question arises after the results of the popular Primary on Sunday. Christiane Taubira won this citizen consultation, far ahead of the mayor of Paris who finished in fifth place, behind the economist Pierre Larrouturou, with the mention passable+. This fifth place weakens it. The question of the maintenance of the candidate of the Socialist Party is posed.

The result of the popular Primary is indeed a new hitch in this campaign in flagrant lack of dynamism. But this is not the only dead weight for Anne Hidalgo, not helped either by her own party. “Many executives are wondering, especially because of the weakness of the polls”says a source close to both the candidate and the PS leadership. “Between her and Olivier Faure, it’s not great love”, he continues. The First Secretary criticizes his candidate for not doing enough, Anne Hidaldo believes that he does not defend her enough. “They see each other every week, but the relationship is not good,” slips a close friend of Anne Hidalgo and the direction of the PS.

Added to this is the return of little phrases, fairly standard within the party, and the rumors around François Hollande. A close friend of the former president denies any desire for a candidacy but confirms a speech, to reaffirm the need for a socialist candidacy for the supreme election. All this strains relations even more. “Everyone will observe the polls in the next fortnight”, confides this elected official. If Christiane Taubira is dynamic, the question of maintaining the candidacy of Anne Hidalgo will seriously arise.

For the moment, the hypothesis of seeing Anne Hidalgo forced by the party to throw in the towel remains remote. “We are closing ranks”even confides Hélène Geoffroy, the mayor of Vaux-en-Velin.

“At the moment where we are, the elected socialists support the candidate. I say that it holds.”

Helene Geoffroy

at franceinfo

The elected representative of the Rhône believes that the popular Primary having passed, Anne Hidalgo will be more audible on the merits. This is also the program for the next fortnight, with thematic trips: undocumented migrants on Monday, poor housing on Tuesday and the conditions of stay in nursing homes on Thursday.

Nevertheless, the doubt remains, as for the mayor of Marseille, the socialist Benoît Payan, who confirms that he will give his sponsorship to Christiane Taubira, while underlining a pathetic situation on the left.

And then you also have to rely on the personality of the candidate, whose tenacity everyone praises. “We have a very courageous candidate. She has a stainless side that commands respect”confesses this important member of the campaign, before recognizing that this personality cannot lead them to victory. “What is brewing is the defeat of the left in general. And we would be there regardless of the candidate”.

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