Anne Hidalgo wants to recognize the blank vote



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Invited on Twitch, the socialist presidential candidate expressed her wish to take into account the white vote. “Elections could be canceled if there are too many” she advanced.

This is a question that comes up in every election. Invited from 8:22 p.m. on the France Télévisons Twitch channel on Tuesday January 25, Anne Hidalgo answered a question from a user about the blank vote. “I want to recognize it and take it into account” she said. For this, the socialist presidential candidate proposes “several possibilities”, like the one “cancel the election”.

“For example, there are countries that consider that if there are too many blank votes, we have to start the election again. I am in favor of it. Recognizing it without drawing the consequences, it makes no sense. “, she developed.

The mayor of Paris also declared that she wanted to introduce the right to vote from the age of 16, one of the key measures of her program. These proposals come as the rate of abstention and the blank vote continue to increase with each election.

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