Anne Hidalgo reaffirms her desire to organize a primary on the left


France 3

Article written by

D. Karcher-Mourgues, S. Canal, M. Lavielle, L. de Pavant, N. Murviedro – France 3

France Televisions

Anne Hidalgo reaffirmed Sunday, December 12 her desire to organize a primary on the left. An initiative that was refused by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, in particular.

Within the left, the debate is launched for the presidential election of 2022. During a speech delivered in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales) on Sunday, December 12, the Socialist Party candidate, Anne Hidalgo, reaffirmed her desire to organize a primary. An outstretched hand to which Yannick Jadot replied. The candidate of Europe-Ecology-Les-Verts is not opposed to a rally, but he wants it to be behind him. “Today, the dynamic is ecology and it is around this ecology that I want to bring together all the progressives, all the humanists to win“, did he declare.

A movement already claiming 270,000 members has expressed its desire for a primary on the left. Some marched in Paris, and are looking for a candidacy that brings people together. The track leading to Christiane Taubira has been mentioned in particular in recent days. On social networks, Arnaud Montebourg has staged his calls for union. For his part, the candidate of La France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, rejected outright the idea of ​​a primary.

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