Anne Hidalgo – Rachida Dati: episode 896

After the presidential election, it was an eventful return for Anne Hidalgo to the Council of Paris. And the leader, LR Rachida Dati, took the opportunity to send a few messages. It did not escape Olivia Leray.

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A big comeback in this column: that of Anne Hidalgo. A month and a half after his failure in the presidential election, the mayor of Paris was back at the city assembly. And who says Council of Paris also says main opponent in the same room, namely Rachida Dati, mayor of the 7th arrondissement.

Obviously, Anne Hidalgo certainly did not expect a quiet session and even less an “Ola” when she arrived. But there, it must be recognized that it was tough: angle of attack of Rachida Dati, the absence of Anne Hidalgo at this municipal council, concerning the absences of the mayor of Paris. “You come here rarely, in the last 12 months your attendance rate here barely exceeds 20%. Paris bores you“, insisted the mayor LR. And then, Rachida Dati made a sliding tackle: “This presence is as anecdotal as your score in the presidential election, 1.7%, Yes it hurts, 20,000 votes, it hurts, I will repeat it: 1.7%.

But Anne Hidalgo defended herself: “I don’t know if it was a point of order, and it escaped me that you won an election…

These clashes at the Paris Council obviously do not date from yesterday. Last November, Anne Hidalgo voluntarily left Rachida Dati’s microphone open during the session…

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