“Anne Hidalgo is the only candidate on the left capable of being President of the Republic”, according to Carole Delga

“I support Anne Hidalgo. She has the moral solidity, the international experience and she is the only one who has a government project”, said Carole Delga on Friday on franceinfo, PS president of the Occitanie region.

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“Anne Hidalgo is the only candidate on the left who is capable of being President of the Republic”, estimated Friday January 14 on franceinfo Carole Delga, PS president of the Occitanie region and president of Regions of France. The modalities of the vote for the popular Primary will be presented on Saturday, while Christiane Taubira should put an end to the false suspense of her presidential candidacy during a trip to Lyon.

“I support Anne Hidalgo. She has the moral solidity, the international experience and she is the only one who has a government project.”

Primary is not going to be used for “to have a candidate”. It just serves to “eliminate one candidate out of five or six. You have to be serious. President of the Republic is not just a question of personality, it’s a project for France.” Carole Delga insisted that “Three quarters of the candidates on the left will not accept the result of this primary and above all there is no debate. We will vote on names without knowing their projects for France.” Above all, activists want “a credible candidacy with projects that respond to the concerns of the French people.”

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