Anne Hidalgo: Her son not sure to vote for her! “This freedom is important…”

The next family meal promises to be tense. Guest of Jordan de Luxe on his show The Instant of Luxury 2.0, Arthur Germain, the son of Anne Hidalgo and her husband Jean-Marc Germain, spoke about his fight for ecology and his association Eau’tonome. But he also spoke, briefly, about politics. And, for the first round of the presidential election this Sunday, April 10, it is not certain to put an Anne Hidalgo ballot in the ballot box!

It’s a complicated subject. [la représentation de l’écologie dans le débat, NDLR], I’m very interested in politics too, but afterwards I want to be apolitical in my life… I do politics because, for me, ecology is politics, but I don’t want to to decide on the candidates. On this election, I will not decide on whom I will vote. On the other hand, I am open to voting for anyone or not voting for that matter. I’m making my choice right now, watching every program, studying everything and I’ll make my decision after. For me, the blank vote or no vote, it’s a possibility“, said Arthur Germain.

A snub for his famous mother, who nevertheless included many proposals in favor of ecology in her program: creation of a post of Environmental Defender, energy pact setting as objectives the decarbonization of our production and 100% renewable energies, no construction of new EPRs… Anne Hidalgo, who has already led in Paris – of which she has been mayor since 2014 – actions in favor of ecology, in particular by reducing the place of the car to fight against pollution, therefore struggles as much to convince his own son as the voters. The polls predict a monumental debacle. It must be said that she is largely overwhelmed on her left by Jean-Luc Mélenchon who is clearly aiming for the second round. Even Yannick Jadot, EELV candidate, exceeds her in voting intentions.

For Arthur Germain, it is not because his mother is a candidate for the Elysée, that he should logically support her. And the young man, sporty and eco-friendly, assumes it: “It’s important, I think, to have that freedom. In my message, I don’t want to be blocked in relation to my mother.

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