Anne Hidalgo: Her son Arthur without a filter on their relationship, intimate revelations…

When you are the son or daughter of, comparison is often inevitable and this, in all areas. Cinema, music, literature or politics, the children of personalities live this heritage more or less well. Arthur Germain, for example, would do without it. The 21-year-old activist, son of Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, and Jean-Marc Germain, indicated that this status had not always served him, quite the contrary.

Guest in the podcast With free voices broadcast on Spotify this Wednesday, July 6, Arthur Germain looked into this advantageous filiation for many except for him: “It took up a lot of space in my life, he confided, however, measuring the chance that he also has to have it for mom. If I weren’t Anne Hidalgo’s son, I wouldn’t be listened to at all. What is unfortunate is that I am misunderstood.“A few months ago, one of his speeches, during which he announced that he would not vote for his mother, a candidate for the presidential election, had been much decried. Arthur Germain explained one of them again : “Basically, I said I voted blank, I wanted to talk about the importance of talking about abstention.

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