Anne Hidalgo guest of the 13 Hours



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Two weeks before the first round of the presidential election, the 13 Hours continues to give voice to the twelve candidates in the running. Saturday March 26, in the meeting “If I were president”, it is Anne Hidalgo who is the guest, live from Toulouse in Haute-Garonne.

Before discussing the main lines of the program of Anne Hidalgo, candidate of the Socialist Party for president, Leïla Kaddour wishes to know what the candidate proposes concerning the care of our elders, a real challenge in the coming years. “We need in our country, a big dependency plan”says Anne Hidalgo, live from Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), Saturday March 26. If she were elected President of the Republic, her first concrete decision would concern salaries. She would hire “a great negotiation in the private sector, branch by branch, to increase wages.” The minimum wage would be “immediately” increased by 15% per month.

The emblematic reform of the candidate (PS) Anne Hidalgo would relate to education. “It all starts with the school, (which) is very damaged today, it no longer allows us to move towards this equality of all the children of the Republic”, says the presidential candidate. It proposes to increase the salaries of teachers, by paying school teachers 2,300 euros per month. If Anne Hidalgo were elected president, she would integrate climatologist Jean Jouzel, Nobel Prize for his work on the climate, into the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

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