Anne Hidalgo denounces Mélenchon’s “impasse”, Macron’s “inhuman liberalism” and “the chaos of the far right”

“Emmanuel Macron is no longer an option for people on the left (…) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, it’s a dead end”, attacked Anne Hidalgo, this Tuesday on franceinfo. The socialist candidate for the presidential election thus reaffirmed her desire to “convincing French women and men that there is a republican, secular, ecological, social, European left”which she embodies, and which she calls for “stand up with pride”.

“The five years spent with Emmanuel Macron have been very hard socially and the five he is preparing will be even harder given the proposed reforms”judged Anne Hidalgo, citing in particular the outgoing president’s proposal to push back the legal retirement age to 65, which she finds “very unfair for popular categories”. For her, Emmanuel Macron may have succeeded in 2017 in making people believe that he embodied a form “of social option” corn “he has proven for 5 years” that the social, today “not part of its software”.

In addition, the PS candidate denounced the fact that Jean-Luc Mélenchon “comes to explain that this vote would be useful for the left”while he “never wanted to make an alliance or carry a common voice”. According to her, the candidate of La France insoumise has “fracture” left. “He had five years to put it together if he wanted to, he didn’t”she launched.

She also lambasted “positions on Ukraine and on international issues” of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, accusing him of “confusing the historical allies of France”, while told to advocate a non-aligned posture. Anne Hidalgo also denounced “these images where we see Jean-Luc Mélenchon confronting police and magistrates explaining that the Republic is him”. “It’s not possible”she added, considering that “the rule of law, respect for the police, justice and our institutions even if they have to be changed” have to be “at the heart of political commitment” of a presidential candidate.

“C’est une impasse et il faut que cette gauche se relève”, a insisté Anne Hidalgo, “inquiète” de “ce qu’il se passera le jour d’après” l’élection présidentielle, notamment en cas d’un duel entre Emmanuel Macron et Marine Le Pen au second tour. “On peut avoir cinq ans à nouveau d’un libéralisme inhumain qui continue à peser sur les classes moyennes, sur les jeunes, qui tourne le dos à l’écologie et à la transition écologique. Ça, c’est le schéma avec Emmanuel Macron. Et on peut avoir, parce que la menace est là, un destin de chaos total avec l’extrême droite”, a-t-elle déploré.

La candidate socialiste a ainsi lancé un appel à “cette génération connectée”, à ceux qui “ont envie d’une gauche et d’une alternance dans le pays”. “Venez nous aider à construire cela (…) peuple de gauche, aidez-nous. On peut enrayer ce gâchis, cela ne dépend que de nous”, a-t-elle supplié. “Sans cette gauche que nous incarnons, que j’incarne, la République ne serait pas ce qu’elle est. Soyez fiers. On va se relever. Les grandes idées ne meurent jamais”, a-t-elle conclu.

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