The mayor of Paris announced a vote in February on the increase in the price of non-residential parking for SUVs and 4x4s.
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“More or fewer SUVs?” : LParisians once again called to the polls by Anne Hidalgo. After the consultation on self-service electric scooters, which resulted in their ban a few months ago, the city of Paris is launching a new citizen vote on the place of “sport utility vehicles”, the famous SUVs.
In a video posted Tuesday, November 14 on social networks, the socialist mayor asks residents to decide on a “very significant increase in non-residential parking rates for SUVs and 4x4s“. The vote will take place on February 4. The last one mobilized only 8% of Parisian voters.
Anne Hidalgo’s video message was posted at 3 p.m. Tuesday while, in the hemicycle of the Paris Council, the right-wing opposition was still demanding explanations on Anne Hidalgo’s trip to Polynesia, already renamed a “controversy Tahiti” on social networks. The mayor of Paris is accused by opposition elected officials of having lacked transparency on the cost of travel, despite the opinion of the ethics commission.
“She’s trying to create a diversion.”
“This is a good example of counter-fire”according to Nelly Garnier, of the Republicans. “Come out for a consultation which would take place in several monthscastigates the elected official. She seeks to create a diversion by bringing out a new subject, which is divisive and seeks to stigmatize part of Parisians. Ecology against all odds except that, today, it is not exemplary for doing so.”
Is it really coherent to launch this measure when the mayor of Paris has just traveled more than 30,000 kilometers by plane? “It is not inconsistent with the policy that I leadreplies David Belliard, environmental assistant in charge of mobility. I am a green elected official, I have said several times that I am for more sobriety, that we are committed to decarbonizing our mobility in Paris.” As for the timetable for this announcement, he assures that the project has been in the works for a long time.