Anne Hidalgo: Adorable photo of her wedding with her son Arthur in her arms

After Eric Zemmour, the host Guillaume Pley received Anne Hidalgo, as part of his show Campaign HQ. He strives to enter into the intimacy of the political personality and tries to question him in all sincerity, in order to show another face. As he had done with the leader of Reconquest who came with his son Thibault, he asked questions about the family of the socialist candidate, supporting photos.

First showing photos of his mother and sister, the presenter of Campaign HQ then reveals a beautiful photo of Anne Hidalgo with her youngest child, arthur. On the picture, the boy is small and literally melts the 62-year-old politician. Then, she has the pleasure of seeing a photograph dating from her second marriage, with Jean-Marc Germain, in 2004. Dressed in her wedding dress, she cuts the wedding cake, alongside her husband and her little boy 3 years old whom she carries in her arms. “Arthur is as blond as wheat as I am brunette“, laughs Anne Hidalgo.

Married for the first time in 1979 to Philippe Jantet whom she met during her studies, Anne Hidalgo is the mother of two children born of this union: the lawyer Matthew born in 1985 and engineer Elsa, born in 1988. Then, with the polytechnician Jean-Marc Germain, came Arthur, now 20 years old. Passionate about swimming, he does not hesitate to show himself in the media to defend his projects. He even appeared on the set of Cyril Hanouna in Do not touch My TV, the host is not a fan of his mother but was impressed and friendly with his daring son. Indeed, the young man swam across the Seine, in order to raise awareness about the environment and water pollution. From now on, this great sportsman has decided to participate in the course of the heroes of the show ninjawarrior, on TF1.

The support of her family, Anne Hidalgo needs it in the face of the painful figures of her party in the polls. Aware of her weak chances in the presidential election with voting intentions at 2% – in 2017, Benoît Hamon finished at 6% – she is preparing for the reconstruction of her party. On France Info, she, in passing, tackled her opponent on the left Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whom she accuses of discovering the left: “He had five years to rally the left if he wanted to, he didn’t. Besides, it’s been a few years since he no longer calls himself left, but people, and there he rediscovers that the left does exist.” We find her this Tuesday, April 5 on France 2 in the program Elysee 2022, against Léa Salamé and Laurent Guimier.

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