Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine facing Julien Courbet in “C à Vous”, the host forced to go back on a “promise” because of the Pierre Palmade affair

Since February 10, 2023, the Pierre Palmade affair has hosted all PAF programs. No one escapes it, not even the guests who go to the shows, who have come to talk about another subject. But this Tuesday, February 28, Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine had to go back on a “promise” she had made to Julien Courbet, her evening guest, for an obvious reason.

Indeed, the host indicated to the ex-columnist of “TPMP” : “Injustices, scams, closeness to the French have always motivated you, touched you. When we prepared the program, you asked me if we were going to talk about the Palmade affair, I told you ‘no, is not planned'”. But given Julien Courbet’s past, the journalist had to go back on what she had promised him and explained it: “But if you wanted to talk about it tonight Julien, it’s because your father died mowed down by a driver”.

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Julien Courbet’s father, mowed down by a driver

Not enough to offend the evening guest, quite the contrary, happy to be able to talk about his dad and give his opinion on the Pierre Palmade affair. “He had just been retired. He’s walking on the sidewalk and a man who had been drinking at the wheel takes the corner hard, mows him down, blows him up…”he remembered on the set of “C to You”. Despite the facts, and the evidence found by the police, the man was never imprisoned. “He kills my father, who could have been saved but who was found the next day blown up on the sidewalk. He goes to the police and he lies to them… He was not a single day in prison, he had three suspended month”explained Julien Courbet to Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine.

And if the host of “It can happen to you” wanted to talk about his personal story, it is also to make French people aware that it is not compulsory to go to prison in this kind of situation. “What Palmade did is inadmissible and unforgivable but it is to explain to the people who are rebelling that unfortunately, we are not going to prison when we do that”finally concluded Julien Courbet, aware that he was simply giving his opinion and that it was perhaps not the divine word.


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